The Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE), a research center in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, is pleased to announce The CHE Nelson Art and the Environment Award for a Visual Artwork by a Graduate Student. This juried art award will be given to the most compelling artwork that addresses the environment and/or sustainability and utilizes knowledge and expertise from the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, CHE, its faculty, and affiliates. The environment is facing a profound crisis. Humanity needs more voices creatively engaging with the most critical issue facing all life. Art can be an essential part of the discussion addressing this pressing issue.
- Finalist proposals will be chosen based on how effectively the project incorporates knowledge and expertise from the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, CHE, its faculty, and affiliates.
- Creative approach to the subject.
- Site specificity of the artwork is especially encouraged.
- Public accessibility of the art site and proximity to the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
- Public relevance.
- Viability of the site as the location for the proposed artwork.
- Clarity of the proposal.
- In addition, applicants are encouraged to focus their artwork on the theme of “deep time.”
The winning submission will be awarded $3,500 upon completion of the proposed project. An additional $1,000 will be budgeted for materials to complete the project.
Only full-time graduate students enrolled and taking classes at the University of Wisconsin–Madison during the spring 2025 semester can apply.
Submission Requirements
Eligible graduate students must submit a project proposal to by 11:59 p.m., February 14, 2025, that includes the following:
- A maximum five-page project description describing the proposed work and site. This should include the production description and the conceptual basis behind the work. The description should also address what the public will take away from experiencing the work. If a site-specific artwork is intended, the project description should also explicitly state how permission to use the site has been granted or what plans there are to get permission.
- A one-page description of how the proposed work will be developed using knowledge and/or expertise at the Nelson Institute. List specific resources from the Nelson Institute and how the applicant will incorporate them into the development of the proposed artwork.
- A one-page artist statement.
- A one-page project budget.
- Any relevant photos, drawings, or other types of visualization that can aid in the understanding of the proposed project.
Submission Deadline and Dates
February 14, 2025
- Submit the complete submission materials listed in the submission requirements to
February 28, 2025
- All finalists will be notified. The finalists will prepare a physical copy of all their project proposal material (text and images) to be included in a finalist exhibition.
March 21, 2025
- Finalists will deliver their proposal materials for the finalist exhibition no later than this date.
April 23, 2025
- Exhibition reception and announcement of the award winner will take place on April 23, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hub Lobby of the Discovery Building.
August 1, 2025
- Completion of winning proposed site-specific artwork.